Why Does My Dog Smell?
Why Does My Dog Smell?
Almost every household with a pet dog complains about the bad odour that just won’t go away. It may only be the scent of a puppy, but there is one. Some dogs, though, may have more than a faint odour. This could be due to something minor that can be resolved immediately or due to something more significant.
Your dog can smell for a variety of reasons: all species, including people, have their own unique scent. Dogs, too, have an unmistakable smell, and when we share our lives and families with dogs, we may become less conscious of the smell sometimes. The problem is that just knowing you have a stinker on your hands isn’t enough. It’s in everyone’s best interests to address the stench, but it won’t be possible until you know what’s behind it.
The main issue is that dogs like smelling bad. They enjoy muck, dirt, or stinky water, and, in general, despite being bathed. When you walk into a doggy house, no matter how tidy it is, there is always a waft of dog. Here are a few things that may help you understand why your dog does your dog smell.
Bath Time
One common reason why anyone smells is that they have gone too long without a bath. It is the same for your fur babies. Their love for dirt, mud, and of course, rolling in the grass makes them stinky. If you leave them without a bath for a long time, it’s obvious that they start smelling.
If it’s been a while since their last bath and they’ve been running about, playing in the park, diving in the water, rolling in fox poo, and so on, a warm bath with a decent doggy shampoo should do the trick. If you don’t thoroughly dry them after a bath, you’ll end up with the scent of a wet puppy. However, don’t bathe them too much because it will rob the fur of its natural oils.
Brushing and bathing the dog on a regular basis will help to keep him smelling fresh. If the dog has long hair, try to keep it short enough that urine and faeces do not get entangled in the fur. A happy dog is a tidy, well-groomed dog.
Ear Infection
Bacterially infected ears are often highly odorous. Usually, a vet can detect this when the pet is still in the waiting area. A bath can irritate the ears if water is stuck in the ear canal.
Ear infections are very common. The consequences can be excruciating. Shaking their heads and rubbing their ears are symptoms that you should look for. If you see your dog doing this stuff, check their ears and see if there is a problem. You may see a discharge ranging from a pus-like substance to black wax.
Look for swollen, sore, irritated skin as well. If you suspect your dog has an ear infection, do not bathe him because trapped water in the ear canal will exacerbate the problem.
Teeth and Gum Infection
A bad odour may be caused by dental illness and swollen gums. Drooling can also be exacerbated by a sore throat. The foul-smelling saliva will coat the fur and furniture, and owners may be unaware that it is coming from their pet’s mouth.
Periodontal deficiency is nearly often the cause of bad breath. However, certain dogs can have poor breath due to oral cancers or foreign bodies, stomach gases, or the symptoms of kidney failure and not just inflamed gums.
Skin and Hair
If your pet’s skin smells like rotting fruit or something recently dug up from deep underground, it’s probably due to skin disease.
There is no need for your dog to stink if they are always brushed, groomed, and given a bath every now and then. On the other hand, dogs with skin disorders, such as allergic skin, parasite infestation, and yeast and bacterial infections, can emit a foul odour.
Owners will have several stories of their own dog’s wind issues and subsequent odour. If the dog emits unnecessary methane, there could be an underlying concern. Excessive gas is caused by inadequate digestion, which may be caused by a poor diet, a slight allergy to one of the additives in the meal, or a problem with the guts not working properly.
If your dog has a lot of gas, especially if it’s smelly or consistent with soft poo, you can take him to the vet. Some flatulence is common, but if it occurs on a daily basis, a trip to the vet or a change of diet might be required.
Anal Gland and Sac Issues
This is probably the most prevalent source of the persistent doggy odour. Anal sacs are two small fragrance sacs located in the anal region. This is a kind of branding gland. When a dog urinates, these sacs are usually pressed, and a very stinky, sticky secretion is released along with the faeces. If your dog scurries or drags his back end over the carpet, he probably has anal issues. When these sacs get contaminated or impacted, problems arise.
This can be an excruciatingly painful situation. When a dog is frightened or too nervous, these glands may naturally produce the smelly, oily fluid on the outer hair, resulting in a bad odour.
When you bring a pet home, there are certain issues that come with them, and you need to be prepared to deal with them. There may be several reasons why your dog smells.
However, whatever the situation or cause, there is normally a solution. This can require regular grooming, a change of diet, anal gland speech, routine anaesthetic dental cleanings, and even surgery for badly afflicted ears. Only know that where there’s a whiff, there’s a route.
You may also consider an odour removal like Pongone to keep your home and surrounding clean and fresh. It keeps your environment clean and destroys any odour that may be caused due to wet dogs, trash bins, or anything unwanted in the surrounding.